We had more fun caroling tonight than we've ever had. I think the costumes helped! Our friends Terry and Joe Trombley and Trena and Matt Nalley spent the evening with us and were good sports about dressing up and caroling around our neighborhood! Ariann, Travis, Kaity, Brayden and Bryce have to go along with it or suffer the rath of Mom/grandma! We're exhausted. To look at the house tonight you would never know we spent two days trying to get it ready for company. Oh well, tomorrow is another day and we will just let the mess wait until we have more energy. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope your Christmas Eve was as enjoyable as ours was. Love you all!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
OKAY, Everyone knows I am technologically disadvantaged!
Sorry about this mess. In order for it to make any sense, you will have to scroll down. Everything is backwards. Start reading where the title says, "An Old FAshioned Christmas....What Fun! and then work your way back to this point. If you just give up I don't blame you!
Last batch.....I promise.
Wonderful petafores were set up beautifully in two different rooms and hot cocoa was available. There was also a room for professional pictures with a backdrop, "A stary, stary night." I'm anxious to see that picture. It feels great to have this project behind and I'm so thankful for all the many willing and talented hands that helped pull it off! I just wish all of my family and friends who seem a country away, could have enjoyed it with us! Merry Christmas everyone.
More Pictures
Our Carolers were minus a tenor because he got a migraine on the drive to the church but they sounded beautiful in spite of his absence. What talented singers! I hope you are enlarging all of these pictures!
Trena and I learned lots of new things about sewing as we tackled the Old Fashioned Santa Suit together. What a project! Santa shared the room with Gary and told the children about an old-fashioned treat called a Christmas cracker. All the primary children got one at the conclusion in this room and everyone got an old fashioned candy stick.
An Old Fashioned Christmas...What Fun!
Gary was Clement Moore, the writer of Twas the Night Before Christmas. He read the story and everyone got to see the beautiful pictures on a power-point presentation.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
What a Full Day!
Why can't I remember that when I select the pictures they always come up with the last one first?! Anyway, it was a full day today. Schools are out this whole week so Ariann, Kaity and I went thrift store hopping. I have been working like crazy for the past 2 weeks putting together costumes for the ward Christmas party. The theme is "An Old Fashioned Christmas" and I need 13 victorian costumes for women and 9 for the men. Thus, on our budget, the thrift stores and garage sales are truly our best option. Today we hit the jackpot! The picture of the "plain" hats were found in the very first store for only $1.99 a piece and they are perfect. Now I have all I need. The pictures of decorated hats are examples of what the "plain janes" will become. When we finished our treasure hunt, Kaity came home with me and we made Ritz cracker turkey's (aunt Renie's idea). We had fun and think they turned out very cute! Lastly, we spent about 2 hours sorting through a HUGE bag of costume jewelry a dear friend gave to me. It was the last of her grandmother's collection. Evidently there were bags and bags that she has gradually given away over the years and LUCKY ME, I got the last bag. She volunteered to help me with the costumes (including a Santa suit) and knew I was using old jewelry on the hats. I am thrilled to be the recipient of the treasure and Kaity is thrilled with my rejects! I'm exhausted but still have 2 capes and a skirt to sew tonight or I will get way behind schedule. I wish my sewing machine was not being so tempramental!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
More of "If You Give a Moose a Muffin"
If You Give a Moose a Muffin
My friend Terry Trombley and I thought it would be fun to take our grandkids to see the theater production, "If you Give a Moose a Cookie". Terry's grandchildren are all out of state but many children in our ward love her and think of her as their adopted grandma so she had arranged to take Ava Knight. Sadly, Terry's father passed away last Sunday and she flew immediately to Michigan. As a result, Ava's mom Ila went with us. The kids seemed to have a great time. It's a small theater so all the seats are good. The cast involved the children and a few little hams really got into it. They hollered things out to the cast and it was fun to watch the characters "adlib" to make their outburst remarks work into the script. Kaity says she wants to take acting lessons!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Lot's of fun on Halloween!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
It's the New Me!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Perfect Setting for a Halloween Tea Party
Gary was anxious to get his hospital picture off my blog and since I had nothing to blog about and since we were both going stir crazy, we decided to take a little drive. We have lived in Apopka for 4 years this month and believe it or not, we have never walked around our city cemetary-----that is until this afternoon. We were surprised by 2 things. First, we expected to find some really old graves. The oldest we saw was birth date 1819. Second surprise, they don't have rules about how much junk you can clutter your loved-ones grave up with or how long it can grow mold before you have to remove it. Let me just say that some people have never heard of "spring cleaning"! I should have taken pictures of some of the worst offenders! Note to my kids: "If you ever turn my burial site into a landfill, I will haunt you until you clean it up! I can handle a few weeds but I draw the line at stuffed animals that are growing things from every pore."
Friday, October 3, 2008
Poor Gary!! Here He Goes Again!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Can't Believe It But We've Sprung Another Leak!
No picture---nothing exciting about a whole cut out of the wall and brand new pipe fittings! Saturday afternoon Gary came running into the kitchen (from the garage) and made a sharp right turn into the little "powder room" off the kitchen. I thought he must have a case of the runs or something because he was in such a big hurry. Turns out he had noticed a puddle of water forming on the floor in the back of the garage and was smart enough to figure out it was in perfect alignment with the toilet on the other side of that wall! Sure enough, another pipe had sprung a leak and was sending water through both sides of the wall. Why do these things have to happen on the weekend when it costs an extra $150.00 just to have the plumber leave his house on his day off? Needless to say, we made it through the weekend with no runnning water. Actually, I'm counting my blessings because we were home and discovered the problem immediately. I cringe to think of the damage that little leak would have caused if it had been allowed to sprinkle forth all day or heaven forbid all week if we had been on vacation. NOTE TO SELF: Always shut off the water to the house when leaving for a weekend.
Friday, September 19, 2008
This Really is a New Post
It just looks like an old one because I posted the pumpkins again. This time's for you Liz because I couldn't describe the garland I intertwined around them. Ariann found it at WalMart and I thought it added so much. Enlarge the photo so you can really see it. It was cheap! Don't you wish it had pretty little gold, orange and red twinkle lights wired into it. How cute would that be?!
Well, another week down. I had planned to have Monday and Tuesday off so I could clean my house but it didn't happen so tomorrow I HAVE to spend at least a few hours and clean what should have been cleaned last Saturday. The secretaries at the high school are so good to me. They are keeping me busy and I appreciate it because the school district is not letting teachers have many subs this year due to cut backs. There are thousands of us on the list and I'm blessed to have people looking out for me!
I had some rough classes this week and they always make me sad. It's a good thing there are wonderful classes and students mixed in. It makes me happy when so many know me by name now and holler out "Hey Ms D! Waaasup?" (translation; what's up.)
My friend Donna Law is the business manager for a Shakespearian (sp) theater company in Orlando and she invited Terry Trombley and I to a dress rehearsal for "Kiss Me Kate" Tuesday night. We had such a good time and I'm so glad she thought of us! I do love live theater! Thanks Donna and thanks Terry for going with me!
This has been a stressful week. Our little Zachary (Aubrey's oldest) has been so sick with severe stomach pain they had to take him to the hospital. The doctor wouldn't even see him in the office for fear it was apendix. They ran a bunch of tests and finally got out of him that he is being bullied at school. We are just worried sick about it. Hard to believe it starts in 1st grade. I have seen some horrible things in the schools here (at all grade levels) and I have comforted myself with the knowledge that at least my kids would be okay in Utah. This is heartbreaking but we have to trust that our prayers will be answered and a solution will be found soon. Keep him in your prayers everyone. Thanks.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Things That Make Me Happy
One more thing that makes me happy.....My algebra subbing assignment was changed because an English teacher requested me. I only had to fake my way through algebra for a couple of days. Faking my way through Beowulf and Macbeth was far easier but I must admit, they too are a foreign language. Most of this teacher's English classes are senior A.P. (advanced placement) so there have been virtually no behavior problems. How refreshing!
I had to come up with my own "Journal" writing assignment this morning because the teacher forgot to leave one. Since today is the 7th anniversary of 9-11, I wrote on the board: "Where were you and what were you doing when you first learned of the attacks on 9-11 seven years ago?" I asked them what grade they were in at the time and most answered, "5th". When the students were finished, I asked if anyone wanted to share what they had written. Surprisingly, only one boy raised his hand. He told us that he had been across the street from the first tower that was hit. He had gone to work with his dad that day and described vividly what he had heard and seen. After he told us that he watched people jumping to their deaths he added that he and his father are still haunted by nightmares to this day.
Wow, I just realized that this last story doesn't go with the title of this post so I will end by saying, "Freedom, hard fought for by others, makes me VERY happy and grateful!"
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Let Them Eat Crow!
If only my college algebra teacher could see me now! I am teaching algebra at the high school this week and no one would be more surprised than that dear professor who cut me slack every chance she got! That great teacher recognized after only a few weeks that I have a major math disability but she never gave up on me. In fact, she did everything in her power to get me through the course. Thanks to her and to "heaven" I actually got an "A" in the class. I deserved it. No one worked harder-------but today algebra is a foreign language to me. I can still see her face but have long forgotten her name. However, I will never forget a conversation I had with her after class one day. As usual I had been the last to finish an exam and she kindly asked if I wanted her to correct it so I wouldn't have to wonder and worry all weekend. I held my breath as she picked up the red pen. We were both ready for anything. I don't know who was more surprised when she announced that I had received the highest grade in the class! Her curiosity got the best of her and she finally asked in awe and disbelief, "How did you do that?"
I wasn't sure what to say. I knew we didn't share the same religion but I assumed she was a Christian woman because of the way she conducted herself and always treated me. I hesitated only a moment before I sincerely replied, "I'm working my butt off and praying my way through this nightmare."
She smiled and seemed to accept my explanation. Then she revealed to me that she had every confidence I would pass the course and be accepted into the school of education. She acknowledged that I would never teach high school math but had no doubt that I would make an excellent Elementary School teacher.
Her endorsement meant a lot to me and to this day I'm indebted to her but I've got to say, "Let her eat crow!" I'm teaching 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders algebra this week while their regular teacher enjoys the last weeks of her maternity leave.
Truth be told.......I tried to get out of it, admitting to the school secretary that a "math genius" I'm not, but they were desperate. Most subs don't want long term assignments so those poor kids got stuck with me! I've lost some sleep worrying about it but I've surprised myself too! Who knew I could fake it well enough to get by!
P.S. I realize I didn't take a picture of an algebra book but it's the only math book I have in the house. I bought it at a garage sale a few years back with the great intention of getting my skills up to a 6th grade level. Too bad I've never opened it! What a dreamer!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Here's a Random Post
Well Bryce moved in with a friend from the singles ward yesterday. We helped him get his bedroom furniture over to the apartment which is much closer to the church building where he attends. The rent is super cheap because the place isn't much to look at but it's clean and in an "okay" neighborhood. His roommate is a security guard at the temple at night and Bryce works during the day so I don't think they will be tripping over each other very much. He was excited about this "move" and big change in his life. It will be good for him but it's strange to walk by his room and see it empty! Life is all about change and how we respond to it. I have to keep reminding myself of that!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
There's a risk associated with this post.......
Okay, I will explain this post title. Here is the risk: I have earned the reputation of a cheapskate! Sunday evening the high priest group leader called to tell me that he had an assignment for me from the bishop. I am to be the concluding speaker at the combined, 3rd hour meeting Sunday (5th Sunday). Evidently he and the Elder's Quorum Pres. will speak first on the topic of personal financial standards put forth by the church. My assignment, should I decide to accept it (yeah, right, like I have a choice) is to talk about how we can live those standards on a daily basis.
I was confused and asked Gerry Wilson to clarify AND to explain WHY ME?! His answer has left me scratching my head: "The bishop thought you would be perfect for this. He said something about you making clothing out of old curtains or some such thing." WHAT?! First of all---how does the bishop know I do that and secondly, what does my hobby have to do with following the prophet's counsel to stay out of debt?!! I can't wait to ask bishop about this one! When I told Gary, he was not enthused about my less than flattering reputation. His comment: "Great! Does the whole world have to know you're CHEAP?!" Answer: I guess they already do-- thanks to the world of blogging.
Friday, August 22, 2008
A Couple More Pictures
I discovered that while I was gone, blogger changed their format. Ariann had to tell me that I can still make comments even though when I tried to comment on her's last night, the symbol of the hand doesn't come up. All I get now is a verticle straight line but she educated me that if I click my mouse on that line it will still work. Wahla!! Magic!! Oh how I wish I were computer savy. (I also wish I could spell!) Be sure to check out my other post because this is just a "P.S."
P.P.S. It has quit raining for a minute. People tell me it's the first time it has stopped in 2 1/2 days!
Can Our Vacation Really Be Over?
We had a great time with the Williams family at Cub River Lodge. Uncle Randy had planned great meals and the time with family was a welcome treat. Today as I posted my pictures I discovered that I had gotten very lazy because Aubrey (the professional) was there with her camera. What made me think that her pictures would work for me? How did I miss getting one big family shot?! I guess with that many people it would have been difficult to get everyone gathered together at the same time.
From that outing held just outside of Preston Idaho, we headed up to Pocatello to another family gathering organized by Ron's girls. Gina's house was the perfect place for cousins to play and get to know each other. Plenty of activities kept everyone entertained and again, the food was plentiful and delicious! Thanks Gina and Jared! (I think I spelled her name wrong. Hope she will forgive me.) We all commented on what polite children she has. What fun to see how the Davidson family has grown! Thanks everyone!
We spent some time at Grandma and Grandpa Sumner's new place in Logan. It is beautiful and they have done a great job of decorating and turning it into a home. More great meals! Gary went golfing with dad and I was able to attend a relief society meeting at a care center where mom taught the lesson. She did a great a job and all those elderly ladies were very appreciative!
Other highlights include: A visit with my dear friend Liz Leary, accompanying Aubrey on a couple of photo shoots, shopping and sewing with Aubrey while Gary took Zach on a hike up Ensign peak, swimming at Murray park, barbeque with Paul's gracious parents as hosts, ride downtown on Trax for our own photo shoot with the kids, chinese dinner (in honor of the Olympics?) with Kent and Aleta, and listening to Rachel tell of her experience with a public pool where she was forced to wear a swim diaper a few weeks ago. I will laugh at her re-telling for years to come. It went something like this:
"And I told them, like........ I have been potty trained for like..........THREE DAYS!" You had to be there but trust me, it was hilarious! It was fun to have all three kids comfortable with us and willing to let us hold them and smother us with hugs and kisses! Oh how I wish it were possible to live where we could enjoy ALL of our family at the same time. We were grateful that Ariann, Travis, Kaity and Brayden braved the storm and picked us up at the airport. Bryce got along just fine without us for 10 days and probably enjoyed his independence!
I'm sure grateful for my family and that includes all of my extended loved ones! We are truly blessed!
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