Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring "Bloomers"

Aubrey I should have had these in the mail before this but I ran out of elastic for the waste bands and haven't had a chance to get to the fabric store. It's not close enough to home! Anyway, the top picture shows an example of the white eyelet bloomers and the cream colored ones. I especially love the trim on the cream. I won it on an e-bay auction last year and finally figured out what to do with it. I had enough to make a few pair in a couple of different sizes.
These are the pantaloons I made for Rachel and Emmy. I'll get everything in the mail in the next day or two. Their's are in the cream color to go with their Easter dresses. The trim is not the same as in the picture above---not quite as delicate but still very feminine. The picture doesn't do justice to the fabric. As always, I'll hold my breath and hope they fit!