Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What a Full Day!

Why can't I remember that when I select the pictures they always come up with the last one first?! Anyway, it was a full day today. Schools are out this whole week so Ariann, Kaity and I went thrift store hopping. I have been working like crazy for the past 2 weeks putting together costumes for the ward Christmas party. The theme is "An Old Fashioned Christmas" and I need 13 victorian costumes for women and 9 for the men. Thus, on our budget, the thrift stores and garage sales are truly our best option. Today we hit the jackpot! The picture of the "plain" hats were found in the very first store for only $1.99 a piece and they are perfect. Now I have all I need. The pictures of decorated hats are examples of what the "plain janes" will become. When we finished our treasure hunt, Kaity came home with me and we made Ritz cracker turkey's (aunt Renie's idea). We had fun and think they turned out very cute! Lastly, we spent about 2 hours sorting through a HUGE bag of costume jewelry a dear friend gave to me. It was the last of her grandmother's collection. Evidently there were bags and bags that she has gradually given away over the years and LUCKY ME, I got the last bag. She volunteered to help me with the costumes (including a Santa suit) and knew I was using old jewelry on the hats. I am thrilled to be the recipient of the treasure and Kaity is thrilled with my rejects! I'm exhausted but still have 2 capes and a skirt to sew tonight or I will get way behind schedule. I wish my sewing machine was not being so tempramental!


Maxwell Family said...

Some people just Ooze with talent! That would be you.
Those hats were adorable plain but they are amazing all decorated. Good job! I love treasure hunting.
Your Christmas program sounds wonderful!
Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Diane *you are so creative!* beautiful hats! Tell Renie I loved her turkeys. Every year I am chosen to be the nut cup designer...I am using her idea, I have completely run out of my own ideas! From ice cream cone cornacopias and nutcup pilgrim hats. You can only make those so many years in a row!

Dubb Days said...

Seriously Diane, I hope they never release you (you might not agree:) because no one could fill your shoes in this calling. I am always amazed at the things you come up with and the detail you put into it. Thanks for all you do and the hours you put into truly "magnifying your call". I am glad I got to serve with you for the short time that I did. I look forward to you subbing for us in Primary. We are blessed to have you!