Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I used to Re-Finish---Now I Re-Purpose!

In case you can't tell from the picture---this lovely, one-of-a-kind dress complete with drop-dead collar and ultra-puff sleeves, looks like something you would find on your neighborhood polygamist. The other piece of fabric is actually a curtain valance. Both treasures were found at Goodwill and I know you will be surprised to learn that the dress was on sale---1/2 off! Can you imagine?! No one had been willing to pay full-price--$5.69, so lucky me--I only had to hand over $2.80! Of course the price I paid in embarrassment at the cash register was far greater. The cashier had to be wondering if I was actually going to wear this beauty! I think it was well worth the sacrifice of self-respect when you see the finished products. The valance was only $2.99 and it was long enough to supply 3 pretty little tops! (Kaity's is waiting for a fitting). I love mixin'and matchin'. The ladies at JoAnn's have started watching for me now. One in particular always hunts me down to see what "vintage treasure" I'm turning into a "Pretty Nana Outfit" for my babies. She always Oooohs and Ahhhs and expresses her opinions and advice on the fabrics I'm selecting to complete the masterpiece. What fun I'm having!
Rachel's is on the left. The back of hers is just like the front. By the time I made Emily's I realized that if I used a coordinating fabric on the back I would have enough left of the patchwork to make one for Kaity as well. Here's the back of Emily's.

Here is a beautiful baby quilt that doesn't need any re-purposing! What a great find this was. It is all hand embroidered and hand quilted. I found it in one of my favorite thrift stores and it didn't have a price. When I asked the lady how much it was she said, "Well, I quilt so I know that is all hand done. I think $5.00 would be a bargain." I didn't argue! I don't hand quilt OR machine and I knew that was a steal! When I finally get around to having a "tea party" for Kaity and her little friends it will make the perfect place for them to let their baby-dolls take a nap while the "little ladies" enjoy their lemonade and cookies.


Unknown said...

How cute!!!!! I LOVE them both!!! Emily said, "so cuuuute!"
I am in love with that quilt!!!

Cuddles, Kisses & Tantrums said...

I am so proud of you! You are getting better and better at this blogging stuff! I am glad that fabric I found you is getting good use. Hey I forgot to tell you that Heidi Kowallis emailed me a blog link and on her site is one for Julie. I will post Heidi's link when I finish updating my blog and you can take a look!