Monday, August 10, 2009

Here's the Latest

Just a couple of shots from our ward Pioneer Day celebration. It was very laid back this year. We invited families to bring a picnic dinner and the ward supplied the drinks. While they ate I shared a few pioneer stories then everyone went outside to play softball with the old rag ball's I made. This year I let them use a real bat instead of a tree branch. They appreciated that. All seemed to have a lot of fun. The adults were very good to include children who wanted to play and all 4 missionaries really got into it as well. After the game we went inside to have popcorn and to watch "Legacy". We had planned to watch the new movie, "Emma" but Bishop pointed out that it said on the cover for home use only and he wasn't comfortable with our showing it at the church so the only other option was that oldie but goodie "Legacy".
Last week we spent 4 days at the Mayo clinic in Jacksonville Florida trying to find out what's wrong with Gary. He now has 4 doctors working on his mysterious case. They did another CT scan, blood tests/ urine tests and pulmonology tests. We should have some results some time this week. I'm getting ready to leave for Salt Lake in the morning. I want to postpone my trip until Gary is doing better but because he has had 5 pretty good days in a row, he's insisting I go as planned. I am anxious to hold that new baby and to see all of the kids and family but it will be difficult worrying about Gary from so far away. I am supposed to fly home on the 21st but I will just take it one day at a time. Bryce has agreed to spend the nights here and a number of neighbors are on stand by during the day if Gary has any trouble. This will truly be a test of my faith. Gary booked this flight for me before he started having his serious attacks that cause him to pass out. I will have to nag him via cell phone to take his medicine and to use his c-pap machine at night. I think he is looking forward to having me gone but little does he know I can nag from afar! I'll take pictures in Salt Lake.


Camie said...

It will be good to see!I bet you cant wait to hold that baby! I hope uncle Gary well be fine with out you. See you soon.

Maxwell Family said...

I'm so excited you are going to visit the new grand baby and see the your girls. We'll keep Gary in our prayers and hope the doctor's can figure him out!

gram said... me when you are in Salt Lake! I would love to see you...or at least talk with you...