Sunday, January 4, 2009

I Can't Believe It's Been 9 Years Since the Turn of the Century!

Where has the time gone? It seems like only a couple of years ago we were worrying and wondering about what would happen with computers all over the world when the calendar clicked over to 2000! When I look at how our family has grown, and is growing (Aubrey is expecting #4 in June!) it seems like the year 2000 was a lifetime ago! Here's hoping we all have a healthy and even prosperous New Year! (Definition of prosperous: enough to meet our needs) Aubrey this picture is for you. I told you about this funky fabric....enlarge the picture so you can get a better idea and then let me know if you want one for Emmie or if this one for Rachel is too over the top. You will need to put a long sleeved top of another funky color underneith it. It really does look better in real life but you get the idea.


Unknown said...

I LOVE it! I showed it to Rach and she said it was "sexy!"
Where on eart did that child come from!lol!
Thanks for making them... I can't wait to take her picture in it!

Maxwell Family said...

That is the cutest outfit ever...If Aubrey doesn't want it I will try my hardest to squeeze into it!!!
Congratulations on another darling grandchild in June. You have the cutest grandchildren ever, it just doesn't seem fair. Happy New Year.

Cuddles, Kisses & Tantrums said...

I haven't figured out where the time has gone! Hey I am not a huge fan of that material I have different tast than Aub- but it is about time for me to pick some new fabric for Kaity and you'll have to help me K?!