Monday, April 7, 2008

okay mom, you are officially a blogger now!

These are just a few of the outfits you have made for Kaity in the past couple of months. My new favorites I haven't gotten good photos of yet, but I will so we can add them to your journal. We need to get Aubrey to email photos of hers as well so you will have pictures of all your creations! Happy blogging mom!


Cuddles, Kisses & Tantrums said...

since i set you up I feel I must be your first commenter!! You really need some photos of Aub so this is not another extension of my own blog! LOL

Nana's heart said...

Wow! Thanks Ariann! You are so smart! Now I have no excuse for not keeping a journal. We'll see how faithful I am! You'll have to walk me through the tricky, techy steps to blogging. You may be sorry!

Unknown said...

I was looking at the top outfit, and Rachel says, "I really want some of those pants? Did nana make those?" You'd better keep up on your blogging!